Category Archives: Transportation

Montréal’s REM as North America’s first actual regional railroad (maybe!)

I spent a few days in Montréal last week and naturally went and rode on the now year-old REM (Réseau express métropolitain). I was particularly interested in figuring out just what the REM is. Is it a light-rail line, as … Continue reading

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Strasbourg builds “pedestrian arterials”

Governments of most cities in Western Europe have been trying over the last thirty (or more) years to reduce the role of the automobile in urban transportation. They’ve built new rail lines and renovated old ones. They’ve created elaborate bicycle … Continue reading

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New or newish rail transit lines and pedestrian facilities in Istanbul

I’ve been in Istanbul twice in the last few weeks, first in early May, then in mid-June. Except for a couple of stops at the enormous new airport, I had last been in Istanbul in 2014. Between 1969 and 2014, … Continue reading

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I spent several days in Seville last month. I had previously been less familiar with Seville than with any of Spain’s larger cities (I did spend a few hours walking around there in 2010). Like just about every other city … Continue reading

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Mexico City tries to mitigate its car problem

I’ve been in Mexico City twice in the last couple of months, first in mid-January and then in late February. Except for a very brief visit in 2013, these were my first trips to Mexico City in something like twenty-five … Continue reading

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The Promenade des Anglais in Nice (France) as a prototype of the modern urban recreational path

I spent several days in Nice in late November. I’d been there twice before, in 2008 and in 2014. Like many other people, I find Nice an agreeable place. Its dense central city, its extraordinarily diverse population (which includes visitors … Continue reading

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Quito’s new Metro

I spent several days in Quito last week. I particularly wanted to ride the Metro, the city’s brand-new subway. Quito’s Metro had opened commercially a week earlier, on December 1. It had been a long time coming. Construction started in … Continue reading

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Non-automobile-oriented transportation facilities in Toulouse

I spent several days in Toulouse in mid-October. I’d previously only been in Toulouse briefly. On my recent trip, I made a point (as usual) of looking at recent developments in non-automobile-oriented transportation. Basic Toulouse statistics tell you a great … Continue reading

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Transportation issues in Santiago

I’ve been in Santiago (Chile) twice in the last couple of months, first in early July then in late August. I had been to Santiago only two times previously, in 2002 and 2015. On my latest trips, I was, as … Continue reading

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Calgary aims at “livability”

I spent a few days earlier this month in Calgary. It was my first visit to the city since 1991. I had also been there in 1975. Calgary has been a pioneer in three areas of concern to this blog—[1] … Continue reading

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